Burdekin Falls Dam Raising project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Burdekin Falls Dam Raising project.
Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied in the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters that the proponent, Sunwater Limited, must address when preparing the EIS.
About the project
Sunwater Limited proposes to increase the storage capacity of the existing Burdekin Falls dam by raising the dam by at least 2 meters (m) and possibly up to 6 m. The additional capacity will increase water supply by between 150,000 megalitres (ML) and up to 575,000 ML for the Burdekin-Haughton Water Supply Scheme, Townsville City Council (town water supply), and mining, industry and agricultural users in North Queensland.
The dam is located on the Burdekin River approximately 160 kilometres upstream from the river’s mouth and approximately 210 kilometres south of Townsville. The proposal is estimated to cost between $358 million and $665 million, depending on the final height of the dam raising.
Key features of the project include:
- raising the dam spillway by at least 2 m and possibly up to 6 m
- raising the associated abutments and saddle dams
- adjustments to apron and splitter piers
- access road realignments and upgrades.
The draft TOR is available online from 28 November 2020.
How to comment
There are different options available to provide comments on this draft TOR. You only need to provide comments using one of these methods. Replicated responses received through different methods will only be counted as one comment.
- Click the ‘Make a comment’ link below
- Email your comments to BFDRaising@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au
- Post your comments to:
Attention: Coordinator General
c/- EIS Project Manager, Burdekin Falls Dam Raising project
Office of the Coordinator-General
PO Box 15517
City East Qld 4002 Australia
Note: If you wish to attach anything (e.g. maps, images or supporting documents), please use the email option instead of the online form.
The draft TOR is available online from 28 November 2020. Comments on the draft TOR will be accepted between Monday 30 November 2020 and Friday 29 January 2021.
Your comment, including any personal information you provide in connection with your comment, may be disclosed by the Coordinator-General to the project proponent and to other local, State and Commonwealth government agencies. Your personal information will otherwise be dealt with in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld).
What happens next
The Coordinator-General will consider all comments on the draft TOR, before releasing the final TOR.
The proponent will prepare a draft EIS for the project addressing the requirements outlined in the final TOR.
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