Capricornia PHES and Transmission project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement

Closed 23 Aug 2024

Opened 15 Jul 2024


Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Capricornia Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage (PHES) and Transmission project.

Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters Capricornia Energy Hub must address when preparing the EIS.

About the project

The proponent, Eungella PHES Pty Ltd (trading as Capricornia Energy Hub) as trustee for Eungella PHES Trust and also representing Eungella Infrastructure Pty Ltd (joint proponents), proposes to develop the $2.87 billion Capricornia Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage (PHES) and Transmission project. The project comprises an upper reservoir, a system of tunnels to an approximately 750 megawatt generation facility, a lower reservoir, approximately 17 kilometre long transmission line and a substation providing connection to the national electricity grid. The project is located approximately 80 kilometres west of Mackay and 10 kilometres northwest of Eungella, Queensland, in the Mackay Regional Council and Isaac Regional Couneil local government areas.

On 18 April 2024, the Coordinator-General declared the project a ‘coordinated project’ under section 26(1)(a) of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (SDPWO Act) triggering the requirement for an EIS.

On 7 December 2023, the Australian Minister for the Environment and Water determined that the transmission component (EPBC 2023/09627) of the project is likely to have a significant impact upon matters of national environmental significance and will require approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) before it can proceed. On 11 December 2023 the Australian Minister for the Environment and Water determined that the PHES component (EPBC 2023/09626) of the project is likely to have a significant impact upon matters of national environmental significance and will require approval under the EPBC Act before it can proceed. The relevant controlling provision for both project components is listed threatened species and communities (sections 18 and 18A). The project will be assessed by accredited assessment under the SDPWO Act. The Coordinator-General’s EIS evaluation report will be provided to the Australian Minister for a separate decision under the EPBC Act.

How to comment

Comments on the draft TOR are invited from Monday, 15 July 2024 to Friday, 23 August 2024.

There are different options available to provide comments on this draft TOR. You only need to provide comments using one of these methods. Replicated responses received through different methods will only be counted as one submission.

1. Read the draft TOR here.


Visit either your local library or one of the libraries mentioned below during business hours between Monday, 15 July 2024 and Friday, 23 August 2024 to view the draft TOR or to make an electronic submission: 

  • Mirani Library, 16 Victoria Street, Mirani
  • State Library of Queensland, Cultural Centre, Stanley Place, South Bank, Brisbane
  • National Library of Australia, Parkes Place, Canberra.

2. Provide your comments by clicking on the 'Make a comment' link below


Send your comments to the Coordinator-General using one of the following methods:


PostAttention: The Coordinator-General
          EIS project manager – Capricornia PHES and Transmission project
          Office of the Coordinator-General
          PO Box 15517
          City East Qld 4002 Australia

Note: If you wish to attach anything (e.g. maps, images or supporting documents), please use the email option instead of the online form.

What happens next

The Coordinator-General will consider all comments received on the draft TOR, then issue a final TOR to the project proponent. The proponent then has 18 months to prepare a draft EIS in accordance with the final TOR.


  • Community
  • Local government
  • Environmental
  • Industry
  • Interest group
  • State government


  • Economic development
  • Environment
  • Major projects
  • Environmental impact statement