Santos GLNG Gas Field Development Project - draft environmental impact statement

Closed 22 Dec 2014

Opened 10 Nov 2014


Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Santos GLNG Gas Field Development Project.
Prepared by Santos GLNG, the draft EIS describes the project and its potential environmental impacts, both positive and negative. The draft EIS was prepared in accordance with terms of reference approved by the Coordinator-General.
The Coordinator-General seeks your views on the draft EIS, including the effectiveness of the strategies Santos GLNG proposes to manage the project's environmental impacts.
The Coordinator-General will consider all properly made submissions and the draft EIS provided by the proponent, before preparing a final evaluation report either approving or refusing the project.
About the project
Santos GLNG proposes to further develop its coal seam gas resources in the Surat and Bowen Basins to provide additional gas to the GLNG Project.
The project's key features are:
  • a maximum development of 6100 production wells
  • fixed above-ground gas facilities
  • water management infrastructure
  • above and below-ground gas and water pipelines.


How to comment

1. Read the draft EIS

Visit one of the following display locations between 10 November 2014 and 22 December 2014 to view a printed copy of the draft EIS:
  • Biloela Library—Corner of Grevillea and Melton Streets, Biloela
  • Dalby Library—107 Drayton Street, Dalby
  • Emerald Library—44 Borilla Street, Emerald
  • Roma Library—38-44 Hawthorne Street, Roma
  • Santos GLNG Roma Community Shopfront—80 McDowall Street, Roma
  • Santos GLNG Taroom Community Shopfront—37/39 Yaldwyn Street, Taroom
  • State Library of Queensland, Cultural Centre—Stanley Place, South Bank, Brisbane
  • National Library of Australia, Parkes Place, Canberra, ACT.
Request a USB copy of the draft EIS by emailing or telephoning 1800 761 113 or writing to:
Reply Paid
GLNG Community Engagement
GPO Box 1010
Brisbane  QLD  4001


2. Click on the 'Make a submission' link below
Send your submission to one of the following:
EIS project manager – Santos GLNG Gas Field Development Project
Coordinated Project Delivery Division
Office of the Coordinator-General
PO Box 15517
City East Qld 4002 Australia
Fax: +61 7 3452 7486 

Relevant links

More information about the project

View the Santos GLNG Gas Field Developent Project draft EIS

Fact sheet - Have your say on an environmental impact statement

Read more about the coordinated project EIS process

Final terms of reference


  • Community
  • Local government
  • Environmental
  • Industry
  • Interest group
  • State government


  • Environment
  • Major projects
  • Environmental impact statement