H2-HubTM Gladstone - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the H2-HubTM Gladstone project.
Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters The Hydrogen Utility Pty Ltd TM must address when preparing the EIS.
About the project
The proponent, The Hydrogen Utility Pty Ltd TM, proposes to develop the $4.7 billion H2-HubTM Gladstone project. The project is an industrial-scale green hydrogen and ammonia production precinct at Yarwun, in the Gladstone State Development Area.
At full development, the production precinct will have up to 3 gigawatts in electrolysis plant capacity and the ability to produce up to 5,000 tonnes of green ammonia per day. The proposed project is located approximately 8 km north-west of Gladstone, Queensland, in the Gladstone Regional Council local government area and Gladstone State Development Area.
The delegate of the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment has determined that the project is likely to have a significant impact on matters of national environmental significance and will require assessment and approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 before it can proceed (EPBC 2021/9049). The relevant controlling provisions are World Heritage properties, National Heritage places, listed threatened species and communities and listed migratory species.
The EIS will assess potential impacts of the H2-HubTM Gladstone project on the controlling provisions consistent with the Bilateral Agreement (section 45 of the EPBC Act) between the Australian and Queensland governments for the purposes of the Australian government’s assessment under Part 8 of the EPBC Act. The Coordinator-General’s EIS evaluation report will be provided to the Commonwealth Minister.
The draft TOR is available to view online from Saturday 13 August 2022 to 13 September 2022 at www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/h2-hub-gladstone.
Should you require access to a computer, please visit the following venues’ during these business hours:
- Gladstone City Library, 39 Goondoon Street, Gladstone (hard copy available on request)
- State Library of Queensland, Cultural Centre, Stanley Place, South Bank, Brisbane
- National Library of Australia, Parkes Place, Canberra.
How to comment
There are different options available to provide comments on the draft TOR. You only need to provide comments using one of these methods. Replicated responses received through different methods will only be counted as one submission.
- click on the ‘Make a comment’ link below
- email your submission to h2hubgladstone@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au
- post your submission to:
Attention: Coordinator-General
C/- Project Manager – H2-Hub Gladstone
Office of the Coordinator-General
PO Box 15517
City East Qld 4002 Australia
Note: If you wish to attach anything (e.g. maps, images or supporting documents), please use the email option instead of the online form.
While you are encouraged to use the submission form, it is not mandatory. Your submission, including any personal information you provide in connection with your submission, may be disclosed by the Coordinator-General to the project proponent and to other local, State and Commonwealth government agencies. Your personal information will otherwise be dealt with in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). If you have special communication needs, telephone the EIS project manager on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) to make alternative submission arrangements.
What happens next
Following the end of the comment period for the draft TOR, the Coordinator-General will consider any comments on the draft TOR received during the comment period.
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