Queensland Biofutures 10-Year Roadmap Consultation Paper

Closed 18 Dec 2015

Opened 5 Nov 2015


The Queensland Government is committed to developing a sustainable industrial biotechnology sector that creates fuel, chemicals, plastics and other products from renewable biological materials. With a rapidly growing global demand for bioproducts predicted to approach US$100 billion by 2020, this is a key economic opportunity for Queensland that will boost jobs, investment and regional growth.

That is why we are developing, in partnership with academia and industry, a 10-year roadmap for the industrial biotechnology sector to guide us towards our vision.

To ensure we get the policy settings right in an efficient and effective manner, the Queensland Government wants to hear from industry and community members about their views on an industrial biotechnology sector for Queensland.

From the information gathered through this consultation, a Queensland Biofutures 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan will be developed for mid-2016.

What happens next

From the information gathered through this consultation, the Queensland Biofutures 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan will be developed for mid-2016.


  • Community
  • Industry
  • State government


  • Agriculture
  • Economic development
  • Environment
  • Industry