86 results
Six Mile Creek Dam Safety Upgrade project - application for project change
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on an application for project change for the Six Mile Creek Dam Safety Upgrade project. The Coordinator-General's evaluation report approving the project was published in May 2019. Seqwater, has applied to the Coordinator-General for a change to the project. The proposed changes relate to a refined temporary coffer dam design, which would necessitate haulage of additional construction materials to site and change... MoreClosed 28 January 2025 -
Capricornia PHES and Transmission project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Capricornia Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage (PHES) and Transmission project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters Capricornia Energy Hub must address when... MoreClosed 23 August 2024 -
Public consultation on the Mackay State Development Area Draft Development Scheme
Each State Development Area (SDA) in Queensland is subject to a development scheme, a regulatory document that controls land-use and infrastructure planning and development in the SDA. The Coordinator-General has prepared the Mackay SDA Draft Development Scheme and associated SDA Draft Development Assessment Process and invites you to have your say. For further details click on the links below Related. How to make a submission You can make a submission using one of the... MoreClosed 15 July 2024 -
Cape Flattery Silica Sand project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Cape Flattery Silica Sand project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters Cape Flattery Silica Pty Ltd must address when preparing the EIS. About the project ... MoreClosed 8 July 2024 -
Northern Silica project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Northern Silica project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters Northern Silica Pty Ltd must address when preparing the EIS. About the project Northern Silica... MoreClosed 8 July 2024 -
Cross River Rail Project – Changes to the approved Roma Street station precinct scope of work
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on an application for project change for the Cross River Rail project (the project). In December 2012, the Coordinator-General published the evaluation report on the project’s environmental impact statement, determining the project could proceed subject to conditions. The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority (the Delivery Authority) is leading the development, procurement and delivery of the project.... MoreClosed 13 May 2024 -
CopperString (2032) Project – project change application (Hughenden workers accommodation camp)
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on an application for project change for the CopperString (2032) Project – Hughenden workers accommodation camp. The Coordinator-General’s evaluation report on the environmental impact statement for the CopperString Project was released on 28 September 2022. Powerlink Queensland recently submitted an application to the Coordinator-General to change the location of the previously evaluated... MoreClosed 12 April 2024 -
Borumba Pumped Hydro Energy Storage project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Borumba Pumped Hydro Energy Storage (PHES) project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters Queensland Hydro Pty Ltd (Queensland Hydro) must address when preparing the EIS. About the... MoreClosed 28 March 2024 -
SDA application for a material change of use in the Bromelton State Development Area
You are invited to have your say on the SDA application for a material change of use for Extractive Industry in the Bromelton State Development Area (SDA). The proposed development comprises an SDA application to increase the annual extraction volume from 400,000 to 800,000 tonnes per annum and alter the extraction footprint. The subject land is located in the Transition Precinct of the Bromelton SDA on 291 Sandy Creek Road, Bromelton. The subject lot... MoreClosed 17 November 2023 -
Public consultation on a potential Mackay State Development Area
The Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on a potential Mackay State Development Area (SDA) including its boundary. The potential SDA would provide a unique opportunity to diversify the range of economy-boosting industrial development in the Mackay region, including renewable energy and biofutures industries, creating jobs and strengthening the Greater Whitsunday economy. The potential Mackay SDA investigation area relates to two disaggregated... MoreClosed 15 September 2023 -
Woppa (Great Keppel Island) draft Master Plan
The Woppa (Great Keppel Island) Master Plan project is a key step in delivering on the Queensland Government’s commitment to revitalise tourism on Great Keppel Island. The master plan will aim to: enhance Great Keppel Island as a premier tourism destination in Queensland facilitate development and investment aspirations through identifying preferred tourism development opportunities that align with the current and future tourism and investment market and the... MoreClosed 21 August 2023 -
Future Infrastructure: Private Investment discussion paper
Investment in infrastructure unlocks, focusses and accelerates growth in key industries. It builds the liveability and prosperity of our communities for generations to come. The Queensland Government has a clear ambition to capitalise on new, innovative and more collaborative approaches to address our State’s infrastructure needs. In June 2022, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Local Planning released the State Infrastructure... MoreClosed 20 July 2023 -
Peak Downs Mine Continuation project - Draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Peak Downs Mine Continuation project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters, the proponent, BM Alliance Coal Operations Pty Ltd must address when preparing the EIS. About the project... MoreClosed 9 June 2023 -
Mt Rawdon Pumped Hydro project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Mt Rawdon Pumped Hydro project. The draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters, the proponent, Mt Rawdon Operations Pty Ltd and ICA Investment Services Pty Ltd must address when preparing the EIS. About the project The... MoreClosed 11 April 2023 -
Queensland Battery Industry Strategy
Queensland is fast being recognised as Australia’s gateway for battery innovation. Commercialising innovative technology that leverages our state’s mining and manufacturing expertise is key to bringing forward a pipeline of battery investment that provides opportunities for regional businesses. We’re working closely with industry to understand Queensland’s existing battery capabilities and to identify priorities for the Queensland Battery Strategy. Have your say ... MoreClosed 31 March 2023 -
Big-T Pumped Hydropower Energy Storage project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Big-T Pumped Hydropower Energy Storage project. The draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters the proponent BE Power Projects Pty Ltd must address when preparing the EIS. About the project The... MoreClosed 22 February 2023 -
Richmond-Julia Creek Vanadium project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Richmond-Julia Creek Vanadium project. The draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters, the proponent, Richmond Vanadium Technology Pty Ltd must address when preparing the EIS. About the project The proponent, Richmond... MoreClosed 13 January 2023 -
Winchester South project - Revised draft environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the revised draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Winchester South project. Prepared by Whitehaven WS Pty Ltd, the revised draft EIS provides additional information needed to evaluate the environmental effects of the project and respond to submissions received on the draft EIS. You are invited to make a submission on the revised draft EIS, including on the project’s potential environmental impacts and... MoreClosed 19 December 2022 -
Blackwater South Coking Coal project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Blackwater South Coking Coal project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters BM Alliance Coal Operations Pty Ltd (BMA) must address when preparing the EIS. About the project... MoreClosed 16 December 2022 -
Great Keppel (Wop-pa) Island Master Plan Project
The Great Keppel (Wop-pa) Island (GKI) Master Plan Project is a key step in delivering on the Queensland Government’s commitment to revitalise tourism on GKI. The Master plan will aim to: enhance GKI as a premier tourism destination in Queensland facilitate development and investment aspirations through identifying preferred tourism development opportunities that align with the current and future tourism and investment market and the community’s vision for... MoreClosed 30 November 2022 -
Valeria Project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Valeria Project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters Valeria Coal Holdings Pty Limited must address when preparing the EIS. About the project The proponent, Valeria Coal... MoreClosed 21 October 2022 -
H2-HubTM Gladstone - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the H2-Hub TM Gladstone project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters The Hydrogen Utility Pty Ltd TM must address when preparing the EIS. About the project The proponent, The... MoreClosed 13 September 2022 -
Inland Rail – Gowrie to Helidon project – draft environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Inland Rail – Gowrie to Helidon (G2H) project. Prepared by Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited, the draft EIS describes the project and its potential direct and indirect environmental impacts, both positive and negative. You are invited to make a submission on the draft EIS, including on the project’s potential environmental impacts and the effectiveness... MoreClosed 25 October 2021 -
Have your say on the draft State Infrastructure Strategy
Consultation on the draft State Infrastructure Strategy closed on 21 October 2021. Register your interest Register your interest to keep updated about the State Infrastructure Strategy . MoreClosed 21 October 2021 -
Winchester South project – draft environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Winchester South project. Prepared by Whitehaven WS Pty Ltd, the draft EIS describes the project and its potential direct and indirect environmental impacts, both positive and negative. You are invited to make a submission on the draft EIS, including on the project’s potential environmental impacts and the effectiveness of the measures proposed to manage those... MoreClosed 15 September 2021 -
Inland Rail – Helidon to Calvert (H2C) project – draft environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Inland Rail – Helidon to Calvert (H2C) project. Prepared by Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited, the draft EIS describes the project and its potential direct and indirect environmental impacts, both positive and negative. You are invited to make a submission on the draft EIS, including on the project’s potential environmental... MoreClosed 23 June 2021 -
State Infrastructure Strategy and Regional Infrastructure Plans – Building an even better Queensland
You're invited to have your say and help shape the State Infrastructure Strategy . You can share your views via the survey below. Consultation closes on 11 June 2021. Register your interest Register your interest to learn more about the development of the State Infrastructure Strategy and the Regional Infrastructure Plans . MoreClosed 11 June 2021 -
Big Rocks Weir project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement
Queensland’s Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Big Rocks Weir project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters Charters Towers Regional Council must address when preparing the EIS. About the project The proponent – Charters... MoreClosed 7 June 2021 -
Cross River Rail Project – Request for project change 11 – April 2021 - Clapham Yard
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on a project change application for the Cross River Rail project. The proponent for the project, the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority, has applied to the Coordinator-General for a change to the project. The Coordinator-General seeks your views on the proposed change to the project, including the effectiveness of the strategies the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority proposes to manage the... MoreClosed 4 June 2021 -
Inland Rail – Border to Gowrie (B2G) project – draft environmental impact statement
Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Inland Rail – Border to Gowrie (B2G) project. Prepared by Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited, the draft EIS describes the project and its potential direct and indirect environmental impacts, both positive and negative. You are invited to make a submission on the draft EIS, including on the project’s potential environmental impacts and the effectiveness... MoreClosed 4 May 2021
86 results.
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