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86 results

  • Yeerongpilly TOD consultation

    The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning has released the draft future plan for the former Animal Research Institute at Yeerongpilly for public consultation. The department is working with Brisbane City Council to set up a planning framework to deliver a transit oriented development (TOD) on the site. You can have your say on the plan until 14 March 2014. The plan for the site consists of two separate parts—the draft Detailed Plan of Development, as well... More
    Opened 31 January 2014
  • Inskip Peninsula draft master plan consultation

    The Queensland Government is working to establish a master plan for Inskip Peninsula to promote well-designed and sustainable tourism opportunities that are sympathetic to existing residents, business and the natural values of the area. The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning is committed to identifying economic development opportunities that protect the area's unique environmental values while ensuring adequate infrastructure is delivered to support development.... More
    Opened 29 March 2014
  • State Planning Policy amendments consultation

    To support the state’s continued growth and prosperity, the Queensland Government is reforming the planning and development system to make it the best in Australia. In line with this agenda, and following feedback from key stakeholders, the State Planning Policy December 2013 is being reviewed. As part of this review, a number of amendments are proposed to streamline and clarify assessment and approval processes, align with Queensland Government policy changes and empower local... More
    Opened 1 May 2014
  • Draft amendments to Queensland Planning Provisions 3.0

    The Queensland Planning Provisions (QPP) are the standard planning scheme provisions made under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (the Act). These provisions provide a consistent format and structure for local governments to prepare their planning schemes under the Act, while allowing the flexibility to address each local government’s circumstances. QPP version 3.0 has been reviewed to achieve better planning and development outcomes for local governments and communities. You can view... More
    Opened 19 May 2014
  • Aquis Resort at the Great Barrier Reef project - Environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Aquis Resort at the Great Barrier Reef project. Prepared by Aquis Resort at the Great Barrier Reef Pty Ltd (the proponent), the EIS describes the project and its potential environmental impacts, both positive and negative. The EIS was prepared in accordance with terms of reference approved by the Coordinator-General. The Coordinator-General seeks your views on the EIS,... More
    Opened 21 June 2014
  • Underground Bus and Train project - Environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Underground Bus and Train project, also known as the Bus and Train project. Prepared by the project proponent, the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, the EIS describes the project and its potential environmental impacts, both positive and negative. The EIS was prepared in accordance with terms of reference approved by the Coordinator-General. The... More
    Opened 1 September 2014
  • Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion - Environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General and the Australian Government Department of the Environment invite you to have your say on the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion project. Prepared by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council, the EIS describes the project and its potential environmental impacts, both positive and negative. The EIS was prepared in accordance with terms of reference approved by the Coordinator-General. About the project Sunshine... More
    Opened 29 September 2014
  • Santos GLNG Gas Field Development Project - draft environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Santos GLNG Gas Field Development Project. Prepared by Santos GLNG, the draft EIS describes the project and its potential environmental impacts, both positive and negative. The draft EIS was prepared in accordance with terms of reference approved by the Coordinator-General. The Coordinator-General seeks your views on the draft EIS, including... More
    Opened 10 November 2014
  • Priority Port Development Area Planning Guideline

    This is an archived consultation. For the latest information visit The Queensland Government is committed to reforming port planning and development through the implementation of the Queensland Ports Strategy (QPS). The QPS represents the State Government’s commitment to: Drive economic growth through the efficient use and development of Queensland’s long-established major port areas, while protecting and managing... More
    Opened 25 November 2014
  • Proposed Abbot Point Port and Wetland Project at the Port of Abbot Point, North Queensland (EPBC2014/7355)

    The Minister for Economic Development Queensland is proposing to construct dredged material containment ponds and a rail embankment at the Port of Abbot Point, North Queensland. The proposed action is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and is being assessed through preliminary documentation. The controlling provisions for assessment are: World Heritage properties (sections 12, 15A) National Heritage... More
    Opened 4 December 2014
  • Proposed Abbot Point dredging and onshore placement of dredged material at the Port of Abbot Point, North Queensland (EPBC2014/7356)

    The Minister for Economic Development Queensland is proposing to dredge berth pockets and aprons and to place dredged material onshore at the Port of Abbot Point, North Queensland. The proposed action is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and is being assessed through preliminary documentation. The controlling provisions for assessment are: World Heritage properties (sections 12, 15A) National... More
    Opened 4 December 2014
  • MyDAS Workshop

    Thank you for contributing to a what will be a fantastic workshop! More
    Opened 11 February 2015
  • Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project - draft environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure project. Prepared by the Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) and SunWater Limited (SunWater), the draft EIS describes the project and its potential environmental impacts, both positive and negative. The draft EIS was prepared in accordance with terms of reference approved by the Coordinator-General. The... More
    Opened 18 July 2015
  • China Stone Coal project draft environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the China Stone Coal project. Prepared by MacMines Austasia Pty Ltd (MacMines), the draft EIS describes the project and its potential environmental impacts, both positive and negative. The draft EIS was prepared in accordance with terms of reference approved by the Coordinator-General. The Coordinator-General seeks your views on the draft EIS, including the... More
    Opened 25 July 2015
  • Three Rivers Irrigation Project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Three Rivers Irrigation Project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters the proponent must address when preparing the EIS. The Coordinator-General seeks your views on the draft TOR, including whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters the project proponent must address when preparing the EIS.... More
    Opened 1 August 2015
  • Proposed Abbot Point Growth Gateway Project (EPBC2015/7467)

    The Director-General of the Queensland Government Department of State Development is proposing to dredge berth pockets and aprons, construct dredged material containment ponds, place dredged material onshore and manage the material including its removal and beneficial reuse within the Port of Abbot Point, North Queensland. The proposed works are adjacent to the existing Abbot Point coal terminal infrastructure, located 25km North of Bowen. The proposed action is a controlled action under... More
    Opened 20 August 2015
  • NT Link Project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the NT Link Project. APT Pipelines Limited (a part of APA Group) proposes to develop a 632-kilometre underground gas transmission pipeline from Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory to Mount Isa in Queensland. The project is being assessed by both the Queensland Government and the Northern Territory Environmental Protection Authority (NT... More
    Opened 4 September 2015
  • Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion project - additional information to the environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the Supplementary information about the environmental impact statement (EIS), referred to as additional information to the environmental impact statement (AEIS) for the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion project. Public consultation on the EIS for the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion project closed on 13 November 2014. After assessing the EIS and the submissions made on the EIS, the Coordinator-General asked Sunshine Coast... More
    Opened 2 November 2015
  • Queensland Biofutures 10-Year Roadmap Consultation Paper

    The Queensland Government is committed to developing a sustainable industrial biotechnology sector that creates fuel, chemicals, plastics and other products from renewable biological materials. With a rapidly growing global demand for bioproducts predicted to approach US$100 billion by 2020, this is a key economic opportunity for Queensland that will boost jobs, investment and regional growth. That is why we are developing, in partnership with academia and industry, a 10-year roadmap for... More
    Opened 5 November 2015
  • Draft North Stradbroke Island Economic Transition Strategy

    The Queensland Government is committed to phasing out sand mining on North Stradbroke Island by 2019 and expanding the island's existing industries to ensure a strong, sustainable economy for all who live and work there. To deliver this commitment, the Queensland Government has developed a Draft North Stradbroke Island Economic Transition Strategy supported by 16 actions, which aim to: drive sustainable tourism expand education and training opportunities foster... More
    Opened 3 December 2015
  • Queensland Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap discussion paper

    Advanced manufacturing is a priority sector for development under the Advance Queensland initiative. The Queensland Government is committed to ensuring that the state's manufacturing sector continues to remain globally competitive and innovative, and has the agility to respond to emerging opportunities across global value chains. Assisting the industry to transition from broad-based, traditional manufacturing into niche advanced manufacturing markets is how we will create the jobs of the... More
    Opened 24 February 2016
  • Queensland Aerospace 10-Year Roadmap discussion paper

    The Queensland Government is committed to supporting the state’s rapidly developing and innovative aerospace industry. The Queensland Aerospace 10-Year Roadmap discussion paper is one of six being developed by the Department of State Development as part of the Advance Queensland Future Jobs Strategy. Aerospace is an industry that has global growth potential and there is an opportunity for it to be a major contributor to jobs and the economy. The Queensland Aerospace 10-Year... More
    Opened 30 May 2016
  • Coopers Gap Wind Farm - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Coopers Gap Wind Farm. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters Coopers Gap Wind Farm Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of AGL Energy Limited, must address when preparing the EIS. About the project ... More
    Opened 10 June 2016
  • KUR-World Integrated Eco-Resort project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the KUR-World Integrated Eco-Resort. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters Reever and Ocean Developments Pty Ltd must address when preparing the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR covers all the matters Reever and Ocean Developments Pty Ltd must address when preparing the EIS. The... More
    Opened 27 August 2016
  • Hummock Hill Island Development project - application for project change

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on an application for project change for the Hummock Hill Island Development project The Coordinator-General's evaluation report approving the project was published in February 2011 Eaton Place Pty Ltd has applied to the Coordinator-General for a change to the project, which involves: reduction in the total master plan area from 518ha to 465ha, including a reduction in the development footprint from 341ha to 307ha,... More
    Opened 10 September 2016
  • Coopers Gap Wind Farm project - draft environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Coopers Gap Wind Farm project. Prepared by Coopers Gap Wind Farm Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of AGL Energy Limited), the draft EIS describes the project and its potential environmental impacts, both positive and negative. The draft EIS was prepared in accordance with terms of reference approved by the Coordinator-General. The Coordinator-General seeks your views... More
    Opened 26 September 2016
  • Nathan Dam and Pipelines project - Additional information to the environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the additional information to the environmental impact statement (AEIS) for the Nathan Dam and Pipelines project. After assessing the environmental impact statement (EIS) and the submissions made on the EIS, the Coordinator-General asked SunWater Ltd to prepare additional information. The additional information includes: corrections, clarification and further information to that provided in the EIS ... More
    Opened 8 October 2016
  • Townsville Port Expansion Project - Additional information to the environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the additional information to the environmental impact statement (AEIS) for the Townsville Port Expansion Project. After assessing the environmental impact statement (EIS) and the submissions made on the EIS, the Coordinator-General asked Port of Townsville Limited to prepare additional information. The additional information includes: corrections, clarification and further information to that provided in the... More
    Opened 8 October 2016
  • Cross River Rail project – application for proposed change to the project – Extension to public consultation period

    The public comment period on the proposed change was previously open between 25 February 2017 and 27 March 2017. Some people requested additional time to make a submission. In addition, it has been brought to the Coordinator-General’s attention that there are necessary minor technical amendments to some plans and diagrams in Volume 3 of the request for project change documents. Therefore, the Coordinator-General has decided to extend the public comment period until 21 April 2017. A... More
    Opened 31 March 2017
  • Olive Downs Project - draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement

    Queensland's Coordinator-General invites you to have your say on the draft terms of reference (TOR) for an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Olive Downs Project. Prepared by the Coordinator-General, the draft TOR sets out the matters to be studied within the EIS. You are invited to comment on whether the draft TOR adequately covers all the matters the proponent, Pembroke Resources South Pty Ltd, must address when preparing the EIS. About the project The Olive Downs Project... More
    Opened 6 April 2017
86 results. Page 1 of 3